Friday, February 27, 2009

more pictures of jubah

Here are some more black jubah which I have in sizes 52 & 54.

Grab them...while stocks last!

more jubah collection in store

Happy Sunday, ladies (and gentlemen)...

I'm so excited. This seems to be the right choice I've made - doing business relating to ladies..selling particularly tudung & jubah.

Many have asked me if I can also sell jubah which are different from others. Different meaning, not black. Alhamdulillah...I've started bringing in coloured jubah. I'd like to try it out. If they're selling well, I'll bring in more in various sizes. One person showed interest yesterday. Unfortunately, that particular jubah was not her size. Too bad...yes, I promise month!

Now, even the typical black jubah are more striking and stylish. Hmm...I might as well show you some pictures just for you to have an idea of what I have in store now.

Alhamdulillah, it looks like the demand for my jubah is increasing. I'll have more in store soon.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

more tudungs & jubahs

Salaam to all,

Just to add colours to my post, I think I better give you the link to some samples of my tudung & jubah collection.

Tadaaaa.... its and

hehe...yes, I'm an active Facebooker :p

Samples of tudung

Salaam to all,

Ooopsss! I missed out the attachment of photos in the previous post. So now, feast your eyes with the many colourful tudungs. I shall upload more pictures from time to time.

who says Muslim women can't be fashionable?


Yeah...who ever said Muslim women can't be fashionable?

For your information, I only started wearing tudung at the age of 29. Prior to that, I've always thought that I cannot dress up nicely and look young if I were to wear a tudung. That was because I've only seen ladies wearing scarves in only one style. I never knew that we can actually be creative in styling your tudung, unti I came across the Middle Eastern style of tudungs.

Tudungs do not necessarily have to be worn with baju kurung or jubah. You can even wear tudung with your jeans and blouse...or even t-shirt. Previously, tudungs were worn with pins and needlles. But life has been made simpler to ease the fast-paced lifestly. These days, there are tudungs which you need not use a single pin or needle. You just put it on...and you're all set for the day.

Here are a few samples which I have in my collection - for casual wear, which could also be worn for formal occassions with a little extra styling. Please note that the Middle Eastern fashion scene is also seasonal. Therefore, my stocks may not necessarily be the same all the time.